Lahore, February 22, 2014: Alternate Solutions Institute today released Dr. Khalil Ahmad’s latest Urdu book, Pakistani Kashakash: Tehlee-O-Taadeel aur Aagay Barhnay ka Raasta (Pakistani Armageddon: Analysis, Resolution and the Way Forward).
پاکستانی کشاکش: تحلیل و تعدیل اور آگے بڑھنے کا راستہ
Media Release: New Urdu Book, “پاکستانی کشاکش” Published
Lahore, February 22, 2014: Alternate Solutions Institute today released Dr. Khalil Ahmad’s latest Urdu book, Pakistani Kashakash: Tehlee-O-Taadeel aur Aagay Barhnay ka Raasta (Pakistani Armageddon: Analysis, Resolution and the Way Forward).
پاکستانی کشاکش: تحلیل و تعدیل اور آگے بڑھنے کا راستہ
The book attempts an analysis of the present predicament of the Pakistani state and society with reference to their response to the barbaric threat to the life and liberty of ordinary citizens. The analysis also focuses on the dubious role of politicians and political parties in allowing the criminal entities to encroach upon the constitutional rights of the citizens.
The book concludes that both the state and the political parties have failed to protect the citizens’ right to life, property and liberty ensured in the constitution of the country. After a clear-cut analysis, the book proposes a way forward exhorting concerned and enlightened sections of society to found a new political party with a one-point agenda, i.e. the protection of life and property and rights of the citizens at any cost and without any discrimination. The proposed new party needs to be organized on moral and constitutional grounds leaving behind all the unwanted paraphernalia of ideologies and ideological meanderings.
The author, Dr. Khalil Ahmad expressed hope that if the proposed political party focuses on this one-point agenda and works in line with moral and constitutional dictates, it may bring both the Pakistani state and society out of the present suicidal crisis.
Dr. Khalil’s other published books include: پاکستان میں ریاستی اشرافیہ کا عروج (The Rise of State Aristocracy in Pakistan); سیاسی پارٹیاں یا سیاسی بندوبست: پاکستانی سیاست کے پیچ و خم کا فلسفیانہ محاکمہ (Political Parties or Political Arrangements: A Philosophical Critique of the Intricacies of Pakistani Politics); Charter of Liberty (میثاقِ آزادی).
Book: پاکستانی کشاکش: تحلیل و تعدیل اور آگے بڑھنے کا راستہ
Author: Dr. Khalil Ahmad
Pages: 40
Price: Rs.65
The book can be purchased from the following:
Suchet Kitab Ghar, F-11, Sharaf Mansion, Queens Road, Ganga Ram Chowk, Lahore
Phone: 042-3630 82 65 Email:
Saeed Book Bank
Al-Rehman Centre, F-7 Markaz,
Jinnah Super, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: 92-51-2651656, 57, 58 (3 Lines) Fax: 92-51-2651660
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