Alternate Solutions Institute

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A Joint Declaration on the Importance of Collaboration, Open Trade, and Innovation in Tackling COVID-19 

As member states of the World Health Organization gather today in Geneva for the World Health Assembly, a global coalition of 31 think tanks today calls on governments to commit to open trade, collaboration and innovation in the fight against Covid-19.  Read

Book Launching Ceremony

The Institute has launched an Urdu version of the Eamon Butler book by the British economist. The book explores the primary economic effect of freedom on human life and culture. The book launching ceremony was attended by people from various walks of life. The book discusses topics such as the role of government, the moral and spiritual aspects of liberty, the effect of economic freedom on the quality of life, the production of wealth, property rights, democracy, equality, free trade, etc. In particular, the participants took a keen interest in the role of government regulations in the economy and raised questions. Dr. Raza Ullah thanked the organisers and participants for their involvement and participation at the end of the session.  
